Assoc. Professor, School of Mathematics
Faculty of Sciences
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Office #3, 3rd floor of the School of Mathematics and Physics Bldg.
Telephone: (+30) 2310 997958
My main research area is in dynamical system theory and geometric control theory, my main project using geometric and algebraic-topological methods in studying global dynamics and control. In Dynamics, I am interested in the Conley index and global bifurcations.
My education background in in Systems and Control Theory (MIT and Berkeley) and in Differential Geometry and Dynamics (Berkeley). I have had extended visits to UC Santa Barbara, and UC Berkeley.
I am an ERASMUS Coordinator for the School of Mathematics. There is a University page for the ERASMUS programme here, and a School-level one here.
This is my main university page.
You will find here material about my Research and on the Courses I have taught. There is also an older page, which includes more detailed descriptions and copies of some papers, recovered here.
Office Hours: Monday 10-12
Classical Differential Geometry I (Core UG)
Dynamical Systems (Advanced Elective UG)
SPRING 2024 (for Zoom links, go to course webpages at the e-learning site)
Introduction to Geometry II (Elective UG)
Algebraic Topology (PG)
AUTUMN 2023-24
Office Hours: Tuesday 10-11 and Thursday 10-11
Introduction to Geometry I (Core UG)
Classical Differential Geometry I (Core UG)
SPRING 2022-23
Introduction to Geometry II (Advanced, Elective UG)
Algebraic Topology (PG)
[* “Guaranteed fresh”: the picture appearing will always be less than two years old. Current photo is from April 2024. Older photos here, here and here]